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我非常开心第一批的学生🈶️很好的成绩!在这里先恭喜他们🙌🏼🙌🏼。错过的朋友别灰心!这一个月又🈶️特别的优惠哦!!!!赶快注册已获得优惠的价格💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼前20位注册的朋友你们🈶️口福啦😱😱你们将会获🉐️我自创的Team TNT T-Shirt 👕 一件!!!还等什麼呢!快快去註冊我12周的Training Program 吧!讓我們一起過一個FIT FIT的年💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🧧🏮🈵㊗️💥💥💥 https://terrenceteo.com _______________________________ 該計劃提供( 中文和英 )文兩種語言 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 線上訓練營將給你帶來: 1️⃣ 透過全面的健身計畫,營養與補給品的輔助,幫助你有效的增肌減脂。 2️⃣ 兩週一次的直播線上互動,解答任何你在體適能與營養上的疑惑。 3️⃣ 專屬的臉書社團,讓我們一起邁向同一個目標。 4️⃣ 精選健身影片,內含詳細動作講解,讓您正確完成指定動作,把效果最大化。 - Join my 12 Weeks Physique Transformation Program! Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: https://terrenceteo.com _______________________________________ What to except in the next 12 weeks by joining #TeamTNT 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 1️⃣ A comprehensive workout program, with guided nutrition and supplement to help you gain muscle mass and reduce body fat. 2️⃣ A detailed explanation of each exercise movement (pictures and videos) to ensure that you are performing the right technique in maximising results. 3️⃣ A LIVE online group chat 2 weeks once with myself, to answer any fitness or nutrition questions you have. 4️⃣ A dedicated Facebook community group to support each other through the 12 weeks. The program is available in both Chinese and English language. Let's achieve an amazing physique together in 2020!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 • • • #OnlineCoaching #IFBBpro #TeamScitec #ScitecNutrition #TNT #FitnessApp #PersonalTrainer #TNTteam #lifestyle #fitness #physique #gainz #painandgain #gymlife #healthylife


我12周的独家训练计划终于出炉了 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼想不想在12星期讓你的身材狂暴式體格轉變? 趕快成為Team TNT 的一份子吧立刻註冊以享受特惠價: https://terrenceteo.com _____________________________________ 該計劃提供( 中文和英 )文兩種語言 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 線上訓練營將給你帶來: 1️⃣ 透過全面的健身計畫,營養與補給品的輔助,幫助你有效的增肌減脂。 2️⃣ 兩週一次的直播線上互動,解答任何你在體適能與營養上的疑惑。 3️⃣ 專屬的臉書社團,讓我們一起邁向同一個目標。 4️⃣ 精選健身影片,內含詳細動作講解,讓您正確完成指定動作,把效果最大化。 - Join my 12 Weeks Physique Transformation Program! Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: https://terrenceteo.com _______________________________________ What to except in the next 12 weeks by joining #TeamTNT 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 1️⃣ A comprehensive workout program, with guided nutrition and supplement to help you gain muscle mass and reduce body fat. 2️⃣ A detailed explanation of each exercise movement (pictures and videos) to ensure that you are performing the right technique in maximising results. 3️⃣ A LIVE online group chat 2 weeks once with myself, to answer any fitness or nutrition questions you have. 4️⃣ A dedicated Facebook community group to support each other through the 12 weeks. The program is available in both Chinese and English language. Let's achieve an amazing physique together in 2020!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 • • • #OnlineCoaching #IFBBpro #TeamScitec #ScitecNutrition #TNT #FitnessApp #PersonalTrainer #TNTteam #lifestyle #fitness #physique #gainz #painandgain #gymlife #healthylife

我12周的独家训练计划终于出炉了 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼想不想在12星期讓你的身材狂暴式體格轉變? 趕快成為T...